Clearing The Linen Cupboard for a Fresh Start to the Year
Clearing your linen cupboard and refreshing your linen is a great way to start the new year. Clearing life of any clutter is always good! Take an hour or so to review and sort your linen into a couple of piles:
- OLD and WORN-OUT Linens, towels and sheets. THROW them out! If they look tattered and have the odd hole, if they are stained or marked and you cannot remove the marks, throw them out. Do not keep them and do not donate them to charity as nobody actually wants to receive or use old, stained and worn out items. And do not take them to the bach thinking you could use them there either. There is no pleasure on holiday using old and worn out towels and sheets! About the only use for these old linens is to maybe donate them to an animal shelter if you really can’t bear to throw them in the bin!
- EXTRA linens or linens that don’t match. If your shelves and cupboards are groaning with towels and sheets and tablecloths that you don’t actually use, these can all be donated to your local charity shop. Our company supports a charity called Guardian Angels, and there is always a need for good QUALITY bedding, especially for blankets and quilts in the winter. Other charities will also appreciate your donations of these.
- CLEAN your bedding. Make a note on your calendar to CLEAN your bedding. You only need to clean pillows and comforters two or three times a year. TIP: It is easy to remember to do so when the seasons change. (I will be posting a BLOG shortly on HOW to CLEAN your bedding).
- FOLD and STACK your beautiful fresh linens in the cupboard. TIP: Stack your sheets in SETS along with their matching pillowcases. It is so much easier to get the set out when you next make your bed rather than rummaging through piles of flat sheets, then fitted sheets, then search for matching pillowcase pairs!